Indoor/Smart Building
The acoustic glass break sensor uses a microphone to detect glass breakages based on sound. When a glass breakage is detected, an alert is sent to the wireless network.
- Window break detection for hotels, homes, and public buildings
- General purpose glass break sensing
- Based on LoRaWAN wireless technology
- Very long range up to several miles
- Excellent wireless penetration through structures such as walls and floors
- Enclosure tamper detection
- Automatic error reporting through supervisory messages
- Over the air configuration
Part Numbers
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Monitoring Sensor Activity
Radio Bridge provides a convenient web-based console where you can configure your sensors, monitor activity, set up alerts, and more. If you are buying products that require a data plan, you can buy the plan right on the console. If you are using sensor products that do not require a plan, the console is available for free. Click on the link below to get started.
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