Radio Bridge is announcing the release of a free web-based device management console for Radio Bridge sensors. The device management console will provide Radio Bridge customers with the ability to:
- Provision devices on either a Sigfox or LoRaWAN® network. The provisioning is handled automatically by the console, so engagement with these network providers is not necessary for end users.
- Monitor devices by decoding sensor messages in a human readable format and configuring various types of alerts.
- Configure devices in the field using over the air downlink messages. All Radio Bridge sensors have configuration capability to modify the behavior of the sensor after it has been deployed in the field.
- API with the professional version of the console which allows for linking data to a third party application.
The console can be thought of as a “device driver” for Radio Bridge sensors. All of the intelligence for interfacing to Radio Bridge sensors is handled under the hood which means you can be up and running with useful data within minutes.
Learn more about the console here: https://radiobridge.com/software/device-management-console
or start now by creating a free account here: https://console.radiobridge.com